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How to fertilize alkaline soil Key points of fertilization technology for alkaline soil? BY:Cynthia

How to fertilize alkaline soil Key points of fertilization technology for alkaline soil? BY:Cynthia

Sep 4,2024
How to fertilize alkaline soil Key points of fertilization technology for alkaline soil?

Soil can be roughly divided into alkaline soil, neutral soil and acidic soil. Among them, neutral soil is suitable for most crop cultivation, and strong alkaline soil and strong acidic soil are not suitable for the growth of many plants, so strong measures need to be taken to improve them. Now briefly introduce the improvement methods of alkaline soil:

 phosphate (MAP)

diammonium phosphate

Key points of fertilization technology for alkaline soil

First, when fertilizing alkaline farmland soil, you should also pay attention to adding more decomposed organic fertilizer, decomposed farmyard manure or straw return to the field, because organic fertilizer, farmyard manure, etc. have the effect of regulating acidity and reducing alkali. Long-term use can play a good role in improving and repairing the soil, balancing the acidity and alkalinity of the soil, and improving soil fertility.

Second, when fertilizing alkaline farmland soil, you can combine the use of base fertilizer (basal fertilizer) to apply 40-50 kg of gypsum per mu, the main component of which is calcium sulfate (note that quicklime is used on acidic soil, so pay attention to the difference). In this way, gypsum can be used to increase the acidity of the soil and reduce the alkalinity of the soil. When the soil is close to neutral or slightly acidic after 2-3 years, it can be stopped.


Third, when fertilizing alkaline farmland soil, not only should we avoid using alkaline fertilizers (which will increase the alkalinity of the soil), but we should also try to use more acidic fertilizers (using the acidity of fertilizers to gradually reduce the alkalinity of the soil), such as humic acid fertilizers, superphosphate, diammonium phosphate, potassium sulfate, calcium sulfate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate, aluminum sulfate, ferrous sulfate (the effect is seen quickly but the effective period of reducing alkalinity is short), sulfur powder (the effect is seen slowly but the effective period of reducing alkalinity is long) and other acidic fertilizers.

Fourth, when applying fertilizer on alkaline farmland soil, nitrogen fertilizer (especially ammonium nitrogen such as carbon ammonium) should be applied deep in holes and furrows, otherwise it is easy to cause a large amount of ammonia in the nitrogen fertilizer to volatilize and lose nutrients;


Fifth, alkaline soil will reduce the effectiveness of phosphorus in the soil (phosphorus is easily fixed and lost by the soil), which is easy to cause phosphorus deficiency during the crop growth period, so alkaline soil fertilization should pay attention to appropriately increase the amount of phosphorus.

Sixth, crops planted on alkaline soil are prone to deficiency symptoms such as molybdenum, zinc, iron, boron, and manganese. Therefore, when planting crops in alkaline soil, it is recommended to pay attention to the timely use of foliar fertilizers containing the above elements during the growth of crops to prevent crop deficiency from affecting growth and yield quality.

Seventh, when improving alkaline soil, you can also buy alkaline soil improvers.


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